
Inazuma Giri - Lightning cut - A kesa (downward diagonal),
gyaku kesa (upward diagonal), and kesa (downward diagonal) are performed in
under a second. See Video |


Mizu Gaeshi - Returning wave cut - A gyaku kesa (upward
diagonal) cut is done on the bottom of the target and the severed piece is
cut in two with a suihei (horizontal) cut before it falls.
See Video |


Kawasemi - Kingfisher cut - A kesa (downward diagonal) cut
is performed on the top of the target. A gyaku kesa (upward diagonal)
cut is done on the bottom of the target and the severed piece is cut in two
with a suihei (horizontal) cut before it falls.
See Video |


Rokudan Giri - This six cut sequence is from the fifth
ZNBDR shoden seitei kata. See Video |


Mizu Garuma - A gyaku kesa (upward diagonal) cut is
done on the bottom of the target and the severed piece is cut in two with a
gyaku kesa (upward diagonal) cut from the opposite side before it falls.
See Video |


Nami Gaeshi - Wave cut - A kesa (downward diagonal) cut is
performed on the first target. A gyaku kesa (upward diagonal) cut is
done on the second target followed by a suihei (horizontal) cut on both
targets. See Video |


Batto Giri - Draw and cut - The katana is drawn from the
saya and cuts in a single motion. Gyaku kesa (upward diagonal), kesa
(downward diagonal), and suihei (horizontal) cuts are performed in this
sequence. See Video |


Nuki Uchi - These two cuts are from the second Toyama Ryu
kata. A batto suihei (horizontal draw and cut) is followed by a kesa
(downward diagonal) cut. See
Video |


Syo-hattou - These two cuts are from the first Toyama Ryu
kata. A batto gyaku kesa (upward diagonal draw and cut) is followed by
a kesa (downward diagonal) cut. See Video |


Tombo - Dragonfly cut - Two kesa (downward diagonal) cuts
are performed from hasso on a freestanding horizontal target.
See Video |

Tsubame Gaeshi - Swallow cut - A kesa (downward diagonal)
cut is followed immediately with a gyaku kesa (upward diagonal) cut.
The two cuts are performed from both sides of the target.
See Video |