Sensei DVD
Respect for Katana
Sword Dictionary
How to Guides
Bow In Ceremony
Warm Up Exercises
Bow Out Ceremony
Wearing Uniform
Formal Uniform
Wearing Daisho
Uniform Folding/Care
Katana Selection
Sword Dimensions
Sword Testing
Katana Maintenance
Katana Cleaning
Mekugi Replacement
Katana Disassembly
Is my sword sharp?
Edge Geometry
Surface Polish
Sharpening Guide
Training Basics
Kihon (Fundamentals)
8 Basic Cuts
Toyama Kata
Toyama Kukmitachi
Seitei Kata
Taikai Guides
Taikai Rules
Judging Guide
Target Prep & Spiking
Cutting Patters
Cutting Videos
Target Comparison
St Petersburg Dojo
Intro Letter
Femal Sensei
Dojo Members
Code of Conduct
Classes and Fees
Promotion Pictues
Rank Testing
Wearing a Daisho
(katana and wakizashi)
How the katana and wakizashi are worn varies depending on the style of
swordsmanship practiced. The following defines the proper way they should
be worn in the Konjaku Kioi Toyama Ryu Dojo. The obi should be long enough
to wrap around three times. Both the wakizashi and katana are put in the
obi on the left side. The dojo store has a
Daisho Page where you
can see different sets.
- The wakizashi is slipped in under all three layers of the obi.
The tsuba of the wakizashi should be in front of the navel. The edge
should be up.
- No sageo cord is used on the wakizashi. A sageo may be tied
onto the saya.
- One layer of obi is left between the wakizashi and katana. The
katana goes between the first and second layer of the obi. The left
thumb is used to open up the obi.
- The katana goes above one of the front straps of the hakama. This
is the strap that was tied in the back. If the front straps were too
short to be tied correctly, the katana goes under all the straps.
- The edge of the katana should be up. The saya kurikata (knob
on the saya where the sageo is tied) should be just above the obi.
- The sageo is looped up under the hakama straps on the right side.
- The loose end then goes through the first loop forming a second
- The second loop is pulled to tighten the knot.
- The katana is held by the saya (scabbard) with the left hand and
the thumb holds the tsuba (guard) in place.